Today, marks the 25th day of living in Tennessee. It has been one
crazy month of
living down south. The word “crazy” is how I would describe this past month. Let
me define “crazy” for you. Crazy- ups and downs, good and bad, fun and boring. Since
moving here: I have met more people than I could count, explored around (while
trying not to get lost), numerous extended family members here for visits, painted,
unpacked, cleaned, read books, finished my online understanding science class, picked
up crocheting (who would of thought), gone to the pool, seen a ton of huge rain
storms, July 4th party, and started a new job. And on top of all that Grace threw us a wonderful welcoming party. The southern people are some of THE most
hospitable people I have ever met. We met so many people I think we maybe got 3 bites of food
in. It was great though! I feel like I don’t remember any of their names but it
was still nice to meet new people and start getting established here.
Now, let’s rewind to when the announcement of the
move came:
In February, I was ecstatic to hear about this new
idea my dad presented to our family. (cause if you know me I am always up for something new and adventurous.) I was not sure what to think of it at first
but I had a feeling in my heart that we would end up moving. Our love for BBC
and Summit is indescribable. However, we all knew that God was at work and when
He is moving no one can stop Him. So, as
the week went on things were rapidly happening and by March 9th, we
as a whole family went to TN with my dad to see what could potentially be our
new church, workplace, school, and home. We met extremely kind people (as most people are down in the south :)).
This inexplainable overwhelming feeling began that first day of visiting TN and to be
honest, to this day has not stopped. Who knew that 12 days after visiting TN the decision of my Dad
accepting this position would be announced in BBC chapel. (March 21). When the
announcement came, reality set in for me. I was ecstatic that we were moving at first…then I realized what that all meant and when the word got out that we
were moving it was like a wave of extreme sadness hit me. Let me tell you it
was not an easy task to put a smile on and explain the story over and over and
over again of why my Dad was taking the job. I would try to explain that God had his hand in this entire process..etc. And let me tell you GOD
did have HIS hand in this journey. We would not have even thought of moving
unless God wanted us too. He had a plan for this and wanted us to start ministry down here at Grace. So on June 9th we moved officially out of our house and the truck was on its way down here on June 10th with my Dad, Mom, and Jessica.
(Side note: back in January I wrote this in my
journal, "January 12, 2013: So tonight is my last night as a college student on Christmas break. I am kind of dreading going back but at the same time I am extremely excited! I feel like God is going to do something HUGE this semester. I have no idea what but I am excited..." Just yet another thing I feel like was a God thing. He was preparing my heart back in January before I knew anything about Tennessee.)

Before we left we were thrown a wonderful surprise going away party from Summit put on by Mr. Ritchie. It was a 2 hour long presentation of all of the memories from the 21 years of living in Clarks Summit. Saying goodbye is never easy and having to do that all night was hard but it was truly a blessing to walk through those memories with the people we care about so much. I LOVE Summit and the people there. I am definitely missing the kids a lot. Thankful for all of you from Summit who I was able to learn from, serve with, grow up loving and being loved by you! Thank you!!
So now fast forward back to today.
I am sitting here
in my new room, on my new bed. And as 22 year old girl I feel like I should be
so excited to be able to start over. I have my great days and my bad/sad days. At times it does get overwhelming, it
does leave a sense of sadness but even though it seems as though at times I
cannot figure out why I am here…our awesome God above knows every single tiny detail
of my life and all I have to do is TRUST in His glorious plan. God has brought
me this far and I know that He will take me the rest of the way.
All of that said I am so excited to see where God is going
to take me and what all He has in mind for me while I am here. I have met some
wonderful people especially at my new job, I am excited to be working with some GREAT ladies. Yes, I miss my friends, family (Jennifer, Nathan and baby Caiden), friends at Summit, BBC, and of course the little town of Clarks Summit. BUT I am excited
to be a teacher at the children center, I am happy to have family here, and I
am most of all beyond joyful that God is in control.