Well it is official I have completed an application for a volunteering opportunity with SIM (serving in missions). This opportunity will include moving overseas for 2 or more years. I am excited to see where God is going to take me on this next journey. However, the finalized decision will not be made until after the conference that I will be attending in January. This conference is held from January 8-12 in Charlotte, North Carolina! The conference main goals are to allow the organization to get to know me and for me to get to know them and all of their ministries across the world. After, the conference there will be a few steps that will take place. 1. I will have more information on what they are all about 2. I will know the area that I will be serving at. 3. The estimated time of departure. and 4. After all of those minor pieces to the puzzle are put together the decisions concerning placement and such will be finalized and the raising of my financial and prayer support will begin. (although I believe the prayer support has already started =) )

I am EXTREMELY excited about this next step in my life. Please be praying that God will make it absolutely 100% clear where He wants me to go and that I will be open to waiting to see where He opens a door or shuts one. I am willing to go with SIM but I am also continuing to stay open to the Lord's calling if He chooses to call me somewhere else. After the conference in January I feel as though God will give me a clear answer as to whether I should be apart of the SIM ministry or look somewhere else.
I cannot wait to see what God has for me and my future. Lots and lots of change in life but yet I know that every single change is part of God's perfect plan. As Pastor Euler has reminded us each Sunday, "God is painting on the canvas of our lives in a fashion larger than we can imagine." God is in control and that alone gives me a peace and hope that is inexpressible.
Thank you for your prayers and support and I will continue to update you as I get more information.