Here we go again....I am excited to announce that I will be heading back to Webuye, Kenya in the summer of 2019! I honestly cannot believe I am finally at a place of peace about this. Many of you may think I am crazy or even stupid but I can tell you that I believe with all of my heart that God has called me back there. The tentative plan is to go for about 7-8 weeks next summer with a small team. A few of the team members will be going for a 2-3 week stay and then Hannah Aho and I will spend the rest of the time there with Vic, the man who started the orphanage.
My journey with traveling and sickness has been tough and I can honestly tell you that last year at this time I was not ready to even consider returning to the orphanage. However, over the last year, God has continually brought this ministry to my mind and heart and I believe that it is the right time to head there. For those of you that have not heard my past story of dealing with malaria, typhoid, and parasites you can read my previous blog here:

Our main goal for this particular trip is to raise money to buy screens to put in every window and door in the building. Why screens you might ask?? Well as you know, malaria is a very real sickness and one of the biggest ways to prevent this is to NOT get bit by mosquito's. Well, without screens in the windows and doors it can be very challenging to keep mosquito's away from you. Can you imagine the difference this will make in these kids lives?! Sleeping with the windows open but without getting attacked by mosquito's! Many of you may know that they do have mosquito nets and that does allow some protection from the mosquito's, but from experience, they are not the greatest at keeping those little biting machines away. AND they are extremely hot and uncomfortable. The need is great and I am excited that our team will be a part of purchasing and installing these amazing inventions :)
If you would like to help purchase a screen or maybe 2 or 3, please let me know. Any amount can help with this project!
As my team and I prepare for this trip we will update you all as quickly as possible. We will be having a few different fundraising events and we will even be selling some t-shirts :) Be on the lookout for these events! The tentative date for departure is May 30, 2019.
Thank you for your support in my life and I am thankful for each and every one of you!