September 17, 2011

Hard times...God is always there.

The Lord has been teaching me so much these past few weeks. I have learned not only to be patient in certain things and also just trusting. I have struggled with trust but I know that God is in control in ALL things. Even the small issues of life. This past week at BBC we were able to get out in the community and help recent flood victims. We gutted houses, set up a small shop so that people who lost all their possessions can come and get what they need for free, and just loving the people who are hurting. It was so cool to see how God used us and I am so thankful we were able to go out and be apart of that. I am looking to be able to go again this next week with a small group. 

 Recently I have had a door open in the area of helping a new ministry in South Africa. This ministry is called ASSIST. The lady, Rene, has such a heart and passion for people. She is currently watching 10 children. With just her and her husband and their two children she is ready to help these people in whatever way she can. She is opening her door to hurting children and babies. Rene recently called me and was just in tears because of how discouraging and hard these times have been for them. I am trying now to be able to get the word out about their ministry to see if we as Americans can help in anyway possible. Right now there is a HUGE need financially. They need to be able to hire more help. These stories she told me were heart wrenching. Please be in prayer for a 10 year old girl who was put through something that no-one could ever imagine. Her brother and sister also saw everything that happened to her and are very distraught. Rene has taken the two siblings in and the 10 year old girl is in the hospital with kidney failure and many other issues. A shortened story of what happened is her organs were removed from her body because a man was upset with her. I do not want to go into details just because of how horrible it is but PLEASE be in prayer for those three sweet children. Also a 12 year old girl was raped and has now been pregnant for 5 months. When she has her baby she will be 13 and kicked out of the place she is in now because the government has made a law that when you have child you are considered an "adult". Please be in prayer for her as Rene will be taking her in and teaching her how to take care of babies and the necessities of being a mother as best she can.  These stories are horrific and just break my heart.

 As I am looking into going back in may please be in prayer that I will have the funds to go. Melissa, Karissa and I are trying to get a group of people to go and help in whatever way needed. Please pray for us as we need guidance and how we are suppose to do this. I am really excited about where God has me right now. I can do a lot here in the states for ASSIST. Also if any of you are more interested in this you can contact me and/ or look at their website:

Thank you all for supporting me and please be in prayer for all of these things! 

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

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