Here in Webuye, Kenya. It's about 10:30pm and going with only 1 real shower of the 8 days we have been here. But let me tell you this has been the greatest trip of my entire life. Despite no running water (which means no showers) and up to now 50 mosiquito bites, it has still been the best trip ever. When those types of things happen we like to use the saying "TIA baby" (this is africa). I am completely in love with this place. I have had the opportunities to speak in 2 schools. One school had 380 kids-we went from classroom to classroom which was nice to speak to smaller groups at a time. (because my voice is almost completely gone.) The second school we got to speak at has 1800 students. It was insane. We only spoke to 2 classrooms but then got to the school yard and all the children were outside and wanted to shake our hands and touch our hair (they are very fascinated by white people hair.) Learning lots of Swahili. Got offered a teaching job at the 1st never know I might be a teacher;) Whatever the Lord wants I will follow. We had a great night of "VBS"...dancing and singing..and introducing them to Glow sticks! They LOVED them. We have done so many things but this is just a VERY VERY VERY brief update because of the lack of internet it is difficult to give more updates. I will update more when I return. One thing I am realizing is that we take EVERYTHING for granted. We have SO much! But yet we complain. These people live in mud huts and have no food, no jobs,no shoes, no beds, one outfit, and the list goes on. So remember this today and remember that you are blessed and if the Lord brings to your mind the country of Kenya please pray for these people not because they are poor but because they are sick and also because they need the Lord. Please pray that I will be able to share the love of Jesus with these precious children who have stories I have ever only read about. Thank you for all your support!
I will update more later:)
I am really excited to see where God is going to take me. Join me on this journey and hopefully this will help you stay up to date on my life:)
May 26, 2012
May 16, 2012
Living in Light of eternity :)
Here we go again. The day before I leave for Kenya, Africa :) I am so excited to see
what God is going to do. He has worked in my life leading up to this point in
amazing ways. I never really understood when people would say that everything
is part of God’s plan but now heading out into another world I can see that
every little detail God had and still has in his hands. Everything I have done
and learned up to this point in my life is going to allow me to do great things
for the Lord. If it was not for God’s hand in my life I would not be in the
place I am today. I am so thankful that God chose me to be His child and that I
can serve Him to further the kingdom of God. I want to always be living in
Light of Eternity. I will be traveling with a friend whose name is Karissa
Young. I am so thankful that God brought her into my life and she has been a
great friend to me and I am beyond excited to travel with her. I am so thrilled to head out and allow God to
use me in whatever way He wants. I have a few specific prayer request:
- I will be taking my 1st malaria pill today and I would just ask that you would pray that I will not experience any of the major side effects with it. ( I will be taking one pill every day while I am there and 7 days after I return)
- Karissa and I will have the opportunity to go into the public schools and share our testimonies. We might possibly be speaking to 1800 children at one point. This is a little nerve racking because if you know me I am not a fan of speaking in front of people. But I know that God has prepared me for this and I know that He will be with me the whole time :)
- We will be running a 5 day VBS the first week we are there (May 21-25). Pray we will be able to do this well and that the kids will enjoy it. (50-60 kids with only 2 leaders)

Katlyn Pollock
(As of right now I will not have internet access while I am in Kenya so I will update my blog when I return:)
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