September 15-21,2012
This semester I had the opportunity to choose to go on a wilderness trip for an elective and get three credits for it at school. Well after much going back and forth about it I decided I would do it. Funny thing is all through high school and beginning of college I promised that I would NEVER go on one of those trips….funny how these things happen!
So I just wanted to write a little bit about the trip and
some lessons I learned from it. To start off I want to tell you that I have
never really gone camping before, never canoed for long periods of time, and
never really enjoyed hiking. So this trip is REALLY out of my comfort zone but
I was up for the challenge right up until we actually got to the lake…but I
will get to that in a bit. We had 6 people in our group: Wes Scott, Kellie
Konzelman, Teresa Beachy, Melita, and Zac Bickel. What a crew!
Monday: Well
Monday morning rolled around and we had our first taste of what a morning in
the wilderness was going to be like. We took down our tent packed them up in
our HUGE HEAVY (50+ pound) bags! Ate a cup of oatmeal and hit the road. We got
to Canoe Lake an 1 ½ later and as they were teaching us how to pick up the
canoe we were standing in the lake and they began to tell us who are canoe partners were and then they said “oh
and Katlyn you are leading us today”…and I
was like “umm what does that mean” and they began to tell me that I had
to tell them how to get to the campsite and be in charge for the whole day! I
got sooo angry. I wanted to yell and say “ I have NO idea how to camp, canoe,
hike or do any of this stuff..why are you picking me to be the leader?!” but I instead I just did not say a word! I was just so frustrated. So we began canoeing
and come to find out I take us THE longest route. The positive side of that is
we got to see a moose like right next to us! The first portage (carrying the
canoe through the woods) I did I thought I was going to die. I had pain
shooting from my neck to my toes. It was insane! A lot of times we would have
to get out of the boat because the water was too shallow and walk and at one
point…somehow a frog got inside the bottom of my pants, that was a freaky
experience haha! After a long hard day we got to camp and ate a nice hot meal
around the campfire. The stars were beautiful and we all slept like babies
because of the pure exhaustion setting in from the day.
Tuesday: We get
up Tuesday morning and it is raining. Well from the start I knew it was going
to be a long day. Wes was in charge that day and wanted us to take the longer
route for a challenge. (In my opinion the shortest route was always the best
option) We start off that day and my
canoe partner was Melita (who is an absolute beast at the wilderness
stuff) We had a lot of down pours and
white topped waves. One canoe tipped over as we tried to “shoot” the rapids. Which
was hilarious at the moment but ten minutes later it began to storm even worse
and at one point we could hardly see the
other canoes. As we were in the worst of the storm, when I could not feel any
part of my body, my hands were purple, and my whole body was shivering and
shaking, the girl (Melita) who I was
canoeing with turns around and yells to me, “Katlyn, We are like Peter and the
disciples!!!!” haha I wanted to yell back but I could barely even think let
alone speak. she was so excited! All of that to say we were out in the storm
for about twelve hours. We got to camp and I could barely move. I was hurting
and freezing! We, as in the boys, got a fire going and set up camp which Melita
helped us A LOT and every few minutes the group leaders would tell us to not
stop shivering…I wanted to tell them
that it was not the most encouraging thing ever seeing as I wasn’t controlling
my shivering one bit. (Basically when or if your body stops shivering it means
your body is shutting down) Well later that night we were told that we were in
Ideal HYPOTHERMIA conditions! So Kellie
and I got smart and put our sleeping bags together so we had more body heat!
Otherwise we would have froze.
Wednesday: Wednesday
was our “solo day”. It was still really cold but it was at least semi sunny! I
found a nice place on a rock overlooking the water and bundled up and just
spent some quality time with just God, me, and nature! IT was a wonderful day
and I enjoyed being able to think through and process through things I have
NEVER processed through before. As I returned from day being a lone we were all
suppose to start breaking wood and well to say the least there were quite a few
mishaps! Here is a video to show you just one of the mishaps…(you can skip to 5:45 mark in the video!)
Thursday was our longest distance but our BEST day! We all really were “clicking”
and just had a blast going around on the lakes. We did have a pretty bad storm
in the beginning but we made it and even though it was our farthest distance,
we made it in the shortest amount of time. Because we were getting stronger it
was a little easier to carry the canoes and our packs were weighing less
because the food was going fast! We got
to go to an awesome campsite with lots of rocks and we all were really excited.
We had a great night just laughing and talking with our whole group. 
Friday: Friday
came and went so fast. We got up and got on our way. It was a sunny windy day.
It was a great day to be out on the waters. We were out on the waters for about
3 hours and just really all enjoyed the time we had together. When we got to land
it was like almost a relief since we had finally seen other people then just
the six that were with is that week and it did not seem so much like the world
had vanished.
Overall I learned so much about myself and really was just
able to spend some time thinking, praying and learning more about God. It was
an incredible experience and I am so glad that God gave me the opportunity to
go on a trip like this. In all honesty I did not enjoy every part of it but I
know that it was stretching and God used it in my life to help me grow and seek
Him in everything I say and do.
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