We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not despairing; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed. 2 Corinthians 4:8-9
What a verse. God has really been stretching me in SO many directions. He is truly amazing. This past week I do not even think I can put into words. We received thousands of DOLLARS worth of donations on Saturday from a company. We also had many answered prayers. Received food when we did not think we had enough. And the list could just keep on going. This is truly been quite an experience for me.
As I said in my last blog, Shadrack one of our kids, is VERY sick. We found out on Saturday that he has tonsillitis and his mouth is infected while he is teething. It is so hard to see a YOUNG child go through that type of pain without understanding what is happening. As I was just watching him try to eat he was so confused on what was happening and he was just in so much pain. Well Melissa brought to my attention how similar that situation is to how adults go through things. When we are going through pain or hardships and we just cannot figure out why it is happening. Some day (if he remembers this) Shaddy will understand what the pain was he was experiencing. And I know that the hardships that we face every day here or even at home are all for a reason. God has His hand in EVERYTHING. Without explaining the whole entire story, one night I was reading a book that my sister (Jessica, thank you so much) gave to me right before I went on this trip and I opened it and the page I opened it to was EXACTLY what I needed to read. I then shared with Melissa and Kelley. We were able to rejoice and grow together. It was amazing that God is so good. I am so thankful for those two girls. I am so glad God brought them into my life.
Here is a little update about all the babies. They are doing WONDERFUL. We just had 2 NEW babies come in this last week. One baby is only 8 days old. His name is Cozi. The little girl who came in is now 10 months. She was severely malnourished because her mother was not sure how to take care of her. Her mother is only 14 years old. Well she brought her to the hospital and Dudizulle and she was there for 3 months as the doctors took care of her. Her mother would come and visit when she was able. Well the hospital/ Social Worker then released the baby to Door of Hope without telling her mother. So be in prayer as the mother may show up at door of hope any day and want her baby back but we are not allowed to give the baby to her. Dudizulle is in “isolation” right now because of a cold but she is such a beautiful baby and will be out within the next week or so. As I said Shadrack needs prayer because he is just SO sick and we want
him to get better. He is SO close to being adopted.

I also was able to attend Berea Baptist Church on Sunday. The husband and lady who started that church were also the ones to start the Door of Hope ministry. It was an incredible experience and so cool to see people who do not have very much just praise and honor God for ALL that they DO have! I will have to tell you more about the church later. I also was able to see Baby House 2! It was beautiful. It is right behind the Berea Baptist Church. It was really great!

I have SO many MORE “God stories” but I definitely want to share them with you in person. Especially about a new opportunity that we have found, that I will definitely give you more information about as soon as I am able. I hope that you all are growing closer to God through this summer and that my blog is uplifting and encouraging. I would love to hear from you and if you have any questions about this ministry here pleaseeee ask.
Thank you all for your prayers and support. It is very much appreciated. I want to talk to ALL of you but as the internet is not working quite as well, I will be able to talk to all of you when I am home.
I want to end just with a quote:
'"When we can't piece together the puzzle of our own lives, remember the best view of a puzzle is from above. Let HIM help put you together."
Such a great encouragement. Thank you all again for praying.