This chapter is coming to a close. I can NOT believe that I am leaving in just 4 short days. I have learned SO much here and absolutely fell in love with the babies. God has shown me amazing things and I am so excited to tell all of you. The picture below is of Shadrack...such a cool picture because he is looking at the door of hope pamphlet and if you look closely it says: "In Johannesburg alone at least one baby is abandoned every day"
I love the aunties! We have had some GREAT times with them and the stories could never end. They are so much fun and I know I will miss them a lot! We have had some crazy photo shoots and heard some pretty intense stuff but to be honest I have a learned a lot from them. Here is just two of the aunties that I have grown to love!
I had my first day off yesterday and we went to the market. What an experience:) It was so fun! I just love everything about South Africa. However, I know that God is calling me to missions but I am not sure it is to South Africa. I will hopefully be able to explain more when I am home! I am having a great time and seriously learning so much! Melissa and I started reading a little section of radical last night and just really made me think! It made me realize that God is SO powerful and so many times we diminish that in the Christian life. Honestly, I could go on and on about everything that God has done and shown me here but I will save that for when I am home.

Much love all the way from South Africa for the last time here! :)
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